Heaven's Gate by A Very Special Episode

Darkenin Heart

Brooklyn trio A Very Special Episode return with their new single Heaven’s Gate. It's the band’s first studio release since their 2021 album, FIX YOUR HEARTS OR DIE (Hidden Home/EWEL Records), and it draws its concept from the devious underside of the desire to "belong."

The band's recent interest in cults and those who look for a home within them is hinted at in the song's title, Heaven's Gate. A memorable visit to the parking lot of Scientology’s Los Angeles Celebrity Center and the nearby "museum" devoted to the purported sins of psychiatry that it houses served as the catalyst for this discovery process.

Speaking on the theme that runs through Heaven’s Gate, vocalist/bassist Kasey Heisler comments: “It’s about the need to belong, the search for an in group, and the length’s one may go to find one in spite of the danger and the vulnerability that requires.”

The upcoming album develops the concepts introduced in Heaven's Gate, exploring both extreme positions and the hazy areas in between.

Guitarist and vocalist Patrick Porter adds: “Joining a group or organization that’s larger than oneself requires being absorbed into a helpless situation, surrendering one’s entire being to the cause. This can be an intentional decision, the result of intense manipulation, or an ambiguous mix of both.”

Heaven's Gate comes with the release of the ‘Official Onboarding’ lyric video shot by Brooklyn-based filmmaker Jen Meller.

A Very Special Episode

EWEL Records
Hidden Home Records


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