Once or Twice by Yndling

Darkenin Heart

In anticipation of her debut album which is due out later in 2023, Norwegian dreampop sensation Yndling aka Silje Espevik is upending expectations by releasing a song that wasn't included in the final tracklist. The follow-up to her critically acclaimed self-titled debut EP, Once or Twice, is a gentle ballad about acknowledging that one is always in charge of their enjoyment and dreams, which won't always be fulfilled by a romantic connection.

Yndling comments: “Once or Twice is a kinda pondering about how much space and fulfillment you should get out of a relationship. We’re sold the idea by like the whole society that with the right partner “everything will fall into place” in life and if you don’t feel that way there must be something wrong with you or your relationship - but that really isn’t always the case. I guess it’s kinda about realizing you still have to take responsibility for your own happiness and dreams.”


Kerry On The Cake


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