Now After Nothing Fill The Darkenin Heart Questionnaire
February 11, 2023
What do you consider to be the darkest piece of music you’ve ever heard?
“Surgery” by Jack Off Jill. This gut-wrenching piece of music is off of their second (and final) studio album, Clear Hearts Grey Flowers. If you want to hear what emotional turmoil sounds like, listen to this incredibly beautiful, dark song. Jessicka’s vocal performance is just beyond amazing.
How would you characterize your own music?
I recently heard it described as, “catchy guitar driven rhythms, eclectic synth and electronica, punky spirit and exciting levels of body-shaking groove.” That’s a much more eloquent description than I could ever provide ;-)
What are your musical aspirations?
First and foremost is to just keep creating more and more music and for the opportunity for others to hear and (hopefully) enjoy it! It’s always cool to hear feedback that a listener has connected with one of my songs in some way that’s meaningful to them, much the same way that I often feel connected to the music of others.
What are your main musical inspirations?
As far as bands go, it’s generally groups like Placebo, Bauhaus, The Cure, My Bloody Valentine, Sonic Youth, etc, but I also love finding inspiration in other genres like classical music (which probably inspires many of the synth/string parts I write) or as an engineer/producer I gravitate towards things that sound sonically huge.
What are your main goals in life?
It might sound cliché, but I really would just like to find ways to help others. I half-jokingly tell friends and family that my dream is to have the next massive mega-corporation so I can turn it into a self-sustaining, non-profit that uses the proceeds to help people in meaningful ways. One can dream, right? Now complete opposite end of that spectrum and in context of personal goals with Now After Nothing, I’d really love to play some shows overseas across my favorite cities. Tokyo is one of my favorite places in the world and it would be a personal goal fulfilled to go back and play a gig there some day.
What motivates you to create?
I don’t know if it’s “motivation” per se as much as it is just something that I do innately. There are times though when I am emotionally pulled in a one direction or another and that does motivate me to find a way to recreate that emotion in a piece of music. In that sense, the creative process can become quite cathartic.
Are you more of an early bird or a night owl?
Definitely a night owl! I can be falling on face at 9pm, but by 11pm I’m wide awake and ready to get into something for the next few hours. It’s kind of a blessing and a curse.
Besides music, what other art forms would you like to explore?
I’ve always been really interested in film/video. I have a degree in Video Production/Management but never pursued it as a career as I wanted to put all of my creative energy into music. I always have script ideas floating in my head though so I’m sure one of these will come to fruition as a movie someday.
Which is the very first record that had a big impact on you?
Wow – good question! I’m sure this wasn’t the first one, but I do remember hearing Floodland (Sisters of Mercy) for the first time and just being really blown away. It was like nothing else I had ever heard at the time (though I didn’t hear until many years after it was released) and it just gave me my first real taste of a whole new world of music just waiting to be explored. A little after that I first heard Placebo’s Without You I’m Nothing and I was definitely forever changed. I think that album is such a masterpiece! It still hits me today in the same way that it did on that first listen.
What is the best decade for music?
Another good question! This is a tough one because every decade certainly had its share of hits and misses. Except for the 00’s… that was mostly pretty terrible (ha! - I kid, I kid…)
The 80’s kind of saw the birth of Post-Punk and New Wave. I loved going back and exploring it all. The 90’s was a period where Post-Punk, Shoegaze, etc. seemed to really thrive though… I’ll have to give it to the 80’s but just by a hair.
What do your future plans include?
To keep releasing more songs and to get Now After Nothing onto as many stages as will have us!
Thanks for the questions!
Now After Nothing
All questions answered by Matt Spatial