The City Gates are a band from the cold areas of Montreal, Canada, whose sound borrows from post punk, shoegaze, and darkwave. The two studio albums, Age of Resilience (2021) and Forever Orbiter (2018), were met with enthusiasm, and the group is now regarded as one of the most distinctive bands on the scene. The City Gates have performed alongside many other outstanding acts, including Trisomie 21, A Place to Bury Strangers, Actors, NOTHING, and numerous others.
The group's most successful sonic fusion of post punk and darkwave is presented on new single Le Silence which features ferocious drum and bass lines, mingled with ominous French vocals. The music video, which has a black-and-white aesthetic reminiscent of the times of the eighties and nineties, features live performances from the band's European and North American tours for Age of Resilience in 2022.
Le Silence is part of The City Gates' latest album, Age of Resilience, released by Velouria Recordz in collaboration with Icy Cold Records.
The City Gates
Velouria Recordz
Icy Cold Records
Video produced & edited by The City Gates