Strobes is the newest single and video from A Very Special Episode. The song is the second example from their upcoming album Freak Me Out which will be released on June 23rd, 2023.
The song stands out for its grit and thoroughly enjoyable loudness, and the accompanying music video functions as a kind of a feverish dream sequence.
The song's lyrics examine getting an excess of a positive thing all at once and the anxiety that comes from realizing you're overindulging when it might already be too too late to cut back.
The band explain: "There’s a beauty in chaos and noise, and when utilized properly both are fantastic adhesives for disparate pieces in video and sound collages. As people, we’re messy byproducts of our influences and the media we grew up with and our music, of course, is as well. Always searching for something new and novel to “freak me out” and add to life’s pile of interesting and noteworthy experiences that are the raw materials of our art."
A Very Special Episode
EWEL Records
Hidden Home Records