R. Missing Fills The Darkenin Heart Questionnaire

Darkenin Heart

What do you consider to be the darkest piece of music you’ve ever heard?
Nothing was ever dark or light enough.

How would you characterize your own music?
Always early, leaves before anyone else.

What are your musical aspirations?
To go on undirected walks and hear unknown sounds flooding out of casement doors and windows.

What are your main musical inspirations?
Some train melodies.

What are your main goals in life?

What motivates you to create?
Cloud cover.

Are you more of an early bird or a night owl?
I like that time when the morning hits the disappearing night -- approximately 4:10am. So very new.

Besides music, what other art forms would you like to explore?
The antinovel.

Which is the very first record that had a big impact on you?
Waiting still.

What is the best decade for music?
I don't have a favorite minute, decade or century for music. The 1890s were nice for literature, the early 1960s fine for style and personal effects.

What do your future plans include?
Knowing more and answering less.

R. Missing
Photo by R. Missing

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