Petrichor by Blanco Tranco

Darkenin Heart

The surf rock/shoegaze group Blanco Tranco has unveiled their latest song, Petrichor. The title is a term originating from Australia, symbolizing the unique fragrance that lingers after the initial rainfall following an extended period of warm and dry weather.

In contrast, Blanco Tranco's lyrics in the new single display a newfound sense of vitality after the end of a romantic relationship. This song holds significance for the band as it was one of their earliest compositions, and has since become a favorite during their live performances.

Matt, the band's guitarist comments: "I wrote the main guitar riff on a rainy day about ten years ago when I was living in Leeds, Yorkshire. When I first moved to Australia, I often felt homesick when it was raining as the smell of the rain reminded me of home. I later discovered that there is a word for the smell of rain and that it was coined by Australian scientist: “Petrichor”. When Blanco Tranco was formed, I incorporated the rainy-day guitar riff into the song that we were working on and the name “Petrichor” seemed very fitting!"

Vocalist Tiff adds: "Petrichor was one of the first songs I wrote vocals for after joining the band. I had just gotten out of a two-year relationship and was living out of home for the first time, which was all very scary but also incredibly new and exciting. The lyrics kind of reflect the liberation I was feeling at the time and worked as a bit of a rant, I suppose, for all of the feelings I had worked up while in that relationship. Because even though I was still feeling quite pissed off and hurt about things, I also had this new-found sense of freedom and clarity that I’d never felt before. It was kind of like — ok, these crappy things have happened but I’m still so young and have so much ahead of me, so fuck it!"

Blanco Tranco

Honeyglider Records


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