Ett berg, Ett träd by Bolywool

Darkenin Heart

Celebrating their 25 years together, dreampop band Bolywool, composed of cousins Calle and Oskar, have unveiled their new single Ett berg, Ett träd. The song has its roots in an older Bolywool track from 2012, titled The Mountain, the Three, from the band's album Isles.

The band aimed to merge an previous track of their with their creative approach circa 2023, and they successfully accomplished this, resulting in a unique and immersive creation. The song is a rich and impressive work that showcases their shoegaze sound flawlessly. It carries an atmospheric quality that leaves a lasting impression.

Henrik Röstberg Hjelt's (Omni of Halos) guitar contribution offers different layers of sound, creating a multi-dimensional experience, adding complexity to the reworked composition.

As a band, Bolywool still explores new ways which will unfold in the future, offering exciting music, and paying their respects to their previous material.


VÅRØ Records


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