Nameless Fluttering by Lanayah

Darkenin Heart

Formed in 2016, Lanayah release their third album titled I'm Picking Lights In A Field through Drongo Tapes and Anima Recordings. Following their previous albums, North Pinion in 2016 and Forever in May in 2019, the new full length showcases an expansion of the band's sound and style.

I'm Picking Lights In A Field was initially conceived as a single piece before being split into eight tracks that represent different movements while maintaining a sense of continuity. Throughout the album's 40-minute duration, Lanayah create mesmerizing soundscapes from sharp riffs, ambient passages, and intricate rhythms.

Nameless Fluttering, the second movement on the new album, stands out as a brilliant point of the record. It combines elements of obscurity, noise, melody, and expansiveness, resulting in a mesmerizing track that draws from the influences of shoegaze, post rock, and hardcore.


Drongo Tapes
Anima Recordings

Cover art by Arius Ziaee

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