Catatonia by Crystal Canyon

Darkenin Heart

Coming from Portland, Maine, Crystal Canyon fascinate with a genre-blending take on shoegaze. Drawing inspiration from the classics of the genre, they craft their music with dreamlike melodies, rich harmonies, and thoughtful lyrics. On November 3rd, 2023, they are set to unveil their third album, Stars and Distant Light. Among the tracks on the album, Catatonia shines as one of the standout, melodically compelling moments.

Guitarist and engineer Todd Hutchisen comments on the album's creation: “We started out demoing about sixteen or seventeen songs then finally narrowed down the songs to the nine that are on the record.”

On their latest record, the band strives to attain an even more lush and immersive sound, incorporating a greater presence of synthesizers and keyboard elements.

Vocalist Lynda Mandolyn describes: “We formed a band that sounded like the music we listened to. In the process, we’ve become a band we’d want others to hear.”

Crystal Canyon
Band photo by Matthew Robbins Photography

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