Archive 81 by Bathe Alone

Darkenin Heart

While on a North American tour, supporting Vacations and Last Dinosaurs, dreampop artist Bathe Alone from Atlanta is unveiling the brand new single, Archive 81. It is a release that holds a deep personal significance for the project's own, Bailey Crone, as it focused on her emotions in the wake of her recent divorce. The track follows Bathe Alone's previous hazy and atmospheric single, Gemini, and her double EP, Fall With The Lights Down (Velma) & (Louise), which was released in August 2023.

She explains, “I wrote this song right after getting divorced, and I really didn’t know what was happening in my life. I thought it was dumb that all I wanted to do was pick up where we left off and finish this TV show, but the thought of that was comforting. Amidst all the chaos, sometimes you just need to feel like you’re doing something normal - that’s part of denial, and that’s where this one came from.”

Bathe Alone

Nettwerk Music Group

Artist photography by Lindsay Thomaston

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