Better Than Going Under by Lebanon Hanover

Darkenin Heart

Lebanon Hanover make a poignant return with a compelling double A-side single, delivering their first release since 2020's Sci-Fi Sky. The duo brings together folk elements and acoustic dreampop sounds, with the spirit of post punk being dominant, adding another fine release to their catalog.

In Better Than Going Under, William Maybelline's brooding baritone merges with sighing background vocals to craft a romantic and hypnotic atmosphere. The track serves as an ode to life's immeasurable spectacles, embracing the small joys within the overall immensity of existence.

On the other hand, KYIV, voiced by Larissa Iceglass, explores a storyline that reflects the sorrow and hopelessness prevalent in regions affected by war, such as Ukraine. The song evokes a shared empathy for those undergoing suffering, emphasizing the random geographical circumstances that define vastly distinct human experiences.

Better Than Going Under and KYIV together provide a deep contemplation of the beauty found in life amid moments of despair. Rich with emotional depth, the two songs reveal a melodic exploration of the human experience, and make a strong unit.

All digital earnings from KYIV are committed to, aiding individuals and families on the frontlines of Ukraine.

Lebanon Hanover

Fabrika Records

Band photography by Erick Zerecero
Video directed by Tamas Mesmer

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