SWiiMS are a Toronto-based indie rock band which has just released their debut album, Into The Blue Night. Singer Mai Diaz Langou and guitarist Colin Thompson began collaborating on music in late 2018, and bassist Cian O'Ruanaidh joined the band shortly thereafter.
The most recent single and accompanying video from the upcoming album is In Puzzles. The track explores the journey of navigating a new relationship, emphasizing the importance of savoring each moment and avoiding the urge to rush forward.
In Puzzles is just one chapter of the broader narrative of the entire album, which delves into the complexities of falling in love and being alone amid the backdrop of the global pandemic. The songs capture the emotional conflict between the joy of new love and the dark tones of isolation and loss. The single radiates with hope and anticipation, containing the band's exploration of varied emotions.
Mint 400 Records