Nothing's Set In Stone by Kraków Loves Adana

Darkenin Heart

Overcoming a challenging period marked by health issues in her hands and arms, artist and producer Deniz Çiçek aka Kraków Loves Adana, found herself required to pause her guitar playing for six months. This unforeseen break became a shifting phase as the artist revisited her unreleased material, discovering and refining three tracks that now shape the new sound of the upcoming Nothing's Set In Stone EP.

The three new compositions mark a return to Çiçek's origins, and the lyrics and instrumentation, marked by a distinct straightforwardness, evoke a poignant sense of hopeful melancholy. The title track of the EP becomes the initial glimpse into the release, laying out the nostalgia and grounded essence present in Kraków Loves Adana's style.

To complement the EP's announcement, Çiçek has also released a music video for the titular track, a work entirely filmed and edited by herself.
Kraków Loves Adana

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