Brilliant Things (feat. Terror Bird) by Odonis Odonis

Darkenin Heart

The vibrant and very atmospheric track Brilliant Things by the Toronto-based dark act Odonis Odonis was written by Nikki Nevver from Terror Bird. The song came out on the duo's latest collaborative album ICON, featuring works created with a series of notable artists such as Actors, SUUNS, Patriarchy, and A Place To Bury Strangers.

A distinct rendition of the song, leaning towards a more psychedelic pop vibe, was unveiled in the form of a music video, featuring Subterranean Lovers.

While the two versions exhibit noticeable differences, the juxtaposition of these diverse styles within the same composition showcases Nikki Nevver's remarkable songwriting deftness and musical versatility. Odonis Odonis' interpretation carries a haunting tone, resulting in a stunning collaboration that brings forth mesmerizing and moody qualities in an impeccable fashion.

Odonis Odonis

Pirates Blend


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