Business is Business by Goblin Daycare

Darkenin Heart

Turkish band Goblin Daycare has signed with Dedstrange, introducing their unique blend of synthpunk characterized by a fascinating fusion of engaging rhythms, guitars, synths, and idiosyncratic vocals.

Their latest single, Business Is Business, encapsulates the band's distinctiveness, evoking comparisons to the peculiarity of Devo and other synthpunk pioneers. The track narrates a tale of maltreatment within the music industry, echoing timeless themes of mistrust.

With an upcoming album on the horizon, Goblin Daycare is poised to unveil more of their vision in due course. Their debut offering under Dedstrange shows immense potential, presaging an exciting journey ahead.

Goblin Daycare


Artwork designed by Mama Goblin
Video by Hakan Öktem

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