Douse by Down The Lees

Darkenin Heart

Douse, the first track from Down The Lees' upcoming album, packs a powerful punch, best enjoyed with the volume cranked up for the full experience. In the middle of the challenges of the pandemic, the band regrouped in Canada, now as a trio led by Laura Lee Schultz on guitar and vocals, joined by Andy Ashley on drums and Chris Carlson on bass from the Okanagan Valley.

Their forthcoming EP, DIRT, produced by Jesse Gander (Brutus, Japandroids), is scheduled for release on May 3rd, 2024. Douse serves as the EP's lead single, created with a deep understanding of the struggles artists have faced in recent times, focusing on themes of mental health and the determination needed to push through setbacks and obstacles.

Down The Lees

Off White House Records

Band photography by Ryan Wagner

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