Always/Never by Kallai

Darkenin Heart

Kallai, a new shoegaze band from Portland, OR, introduces an immersive sound with their debut release, exploring themes of self-exploration with emotional depth. Their debut single, Always/Never, offers a glimpse into their forthcoming EP, anticipated in the upcoming months.

The band comprises David Gross (guitars and vocals), Daniel Henderson (drums), Cate Hukle (guitars, synths, and vocals), and Brian Wilcher (bass guitar), members from Trance to the Sun, Luscious Apparatus, and Lost Echoes.

Always/Never creates a vivid sonic environment, depicting an imagined conversation between a woman and her younger self, recollecting relationships from their youth. The track puts into effect a distinct ambiance through guitar reverb and entrancing rhythms, wrapped up together in an enveloping sound.

Photography by Renee Coutlee

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