Amyl Nitrate by Minus One

Darkenin Heart

Formed back in 1991, Minus One originates from Dayton, Ohio, with its founding duo comprising Eric Purtle (previously associated with Dementia Precox, Luxury Pushers, and Dark Backward) and Don Habil, alongside the newly added member Patrick Berry (Dark Backward).

A blend of rugged industrial, robust electronica, alternative rock, and post punk elements come together to form a concoction that looks back on the industrial scene of the nineties, particularly the WaxTrax! sound, a milieu to which the band naturally gravitates. Minus One resurface from that era, infused with renewed energy, to rekindle that sound in a dynamic and innovative manner.

Their latest album, Die for Art, released from Brazildisc, expands on their earlier catalog of rare cassette-only releases from the nineties.

In Amyl Nitrate, the band maintains a recognizable familiarity, yet their new sound stands out boldly, embodying the raw spirit of eccentric rock in its most primal and unapologetic form.

Minus One

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