ACAB by Edging

Darkenin Heart

Art rock band Edging makes a dynamic comeback with a fervent punk anthem, vehemently expressing disdain towards law enforcement and addressing broader societal concerns. ACAB stands as the bold centerpiece of their latest album, Concrete Cumming, released on April 2nd, 2024.

The entire album is a cathartic examination of trauma, misogyny, grief, and societal injustices.

Following up on their 2023 release Good Sex Music, Concrete Cumming was recorded in intense, short bursts with Evan Bernard (Spirit of the Beehive, Soul Glo, Mannequin Pussy) in Philadelphia, PA, and Chicago, IL, spanning a total of three days. Well known engineer Howie Weinberg (Nirvana, The Jesus Lizard) handled the mastering.

ACAB is delivered with a confrontational and provocative tone, as the band boldly advocates resistance and the dismantling of oppressive structures while championing the care of marginalized communities.

Cover art by AB Moore

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