Sinner (Pecador/죄인) by past self & Haunt Me

Darkenin Heart

Haunt Me, the Mexican American post punk/darkwave trio from San Antonio, Texas, and past self, the K-goth/darkwave band from Las Vegas, Nevada, join forces to create a gripping collaboration that explores the theme of alienation in modern society as a minority. Notably, Sinner (Pecador/죄인) is trilingual, with past self delivering the first verse in Korean, Haunt Me taking on the second verse in Spanish, and both bands collectively singing the choruses in English.

Darius of Haunt Me describes: “We believe this song is a must listen for any fan of dark music. We feel this track is truly special and unique because we believe it’s the first trilingual goth/postpunk/darkwave song ever created and so it’s something we’re all extremely proud of. In our humble opinion, the release of this song is a modern day historical event in the world of music. Not only for goth music but for alternative music as a whole and for all minorities everywhere.”

Navigating life with contrasting viewpoints and convictions in a predominantly white Christian society, often accompanied by a persistent sense of being an outsider, can be incredibly challenging and evoke profound emotional depths. Haunt Me and past self harness these experiences to craft a compelling atmosphere in their latest track, summarizing the essence of a serious subject matter with riveting intensity.

past self
Cover artwork by æther

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