The Fascination of Self-Sabotage by Agent blå

Darkenin Heart

Agent Blå returns with their third single from the highly anticipated upcoming album STAB!, scheduled for release on April 12th, 2024. The Fascination of Self-Sabotage marks the final release before the album's debut.

This new song explores dark themes and is characterized by sentimentality and grittiness. Such concepts include the need to accept oneself in order to survive, as well as the crippling effects of emotional fatigue which can confine and incapacitate a person. It expresses a desire to be cut off from engagement and to destroy all that in one's immediate environment in order to find refuge for one's mental and physical well-being.

The ethereal synths in the song offer a classic new wave and post punk quality, providing a comforting backdrop for the profound lyrical content to resonate, and at the same time the song impresses with the fervency of the band's performance and its sentimental profundity.

Agent blå

VÅRØ Records
Kanine Records


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