Blood Is Thicker by Draining Kiss

Darkenin Heart

Draining Kiss, the darkwave synth project helmed by Gainesville, Florida-based musician Quinn Martin, weaves together a blend of vintage influences and contemporary sensibilities. Martin creates atmospheric sounds, tinged with themes of love, mortality, anxiety, and solitude, ideal for the gloomy charm and intrigue of the dancefloor.

The project's latest offering, Blood Is Thicker, comes from their second EP of the same title, building upon the foundation laid by its predecessor released in 2022. The new release goes deeper into a similar thematic exploration, offering fresh perspectives.

The EP's eponymous track is based on the timeless adage suggesting familial bonds are stronger than others, as Draining Kiss explores the complexities of navigating moral, religious, and political clashes within family dynamics. With echoes of Depeche Mode resonating in both the lyrics and cover art, Blood Is Thicker summarizes a dark introspection on these interpersonal grinds.

Draining Kiss

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