All Your Pain by NITE

Darkenin Heart

Dallas-based dark synthpop group NITE has released their latest single, All Your Pain, a brooding love song built on a darkwave and post punk foundation, featuring eerie synths and atmospheric guitars. The track is produced by twin brothers Myles and Kyle Mendes.

Inspired by groups such as The Sound and Depeche Mode, All Your Pain emanates an enveloping and quite effective emotional intensity. Darkness and romanticism are creatively and organically blended in the track, highlighted by rich soundscapes and emotive vocals.

NITE transform their dark sound into something incredibly intimate, fusing fragility and connection. The song emphasizes the importance of sharing the suffering of another person and the complicated nature of human emotions in relationships, with understanding of inner turmoil serving as the primary subject matter.

NITE are preparing for a US tour with Dead On A Sunday and Haunt Me.


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