A Daily Reprieve by Sutras

Darkenin Heart

Sutras is a post hardcore duo hailing from the greater Washington D.C. area, featuring members Tristan Welch and Frederick Ashworth. Their music is inspired by iconic local post hardcore acts, while also showcasing their affinity for the dark and melodic neo crust sound, and at the same time incorporates a slow, heavy, and atmospheric style.

Their latest track, A Daily Reprieve, signifies the difficulty of keeping a clear mind amidst the pressures of capitalism, with lyrics that capture the heart of such an internal battle.

Tristan Welch comments: “The song is about not burying the pain of capitalism with things like drug and alcohol, but it’s also about how fucking hard that is. Even if I stay clear-minded, I still hurt myself and other people. The song is embracing the struggle.”


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