Summer Breeze by Black Doldrums

Darkenin Heart

The newest single from London-based trio Black Doldrums' upcoming album, In Limerence, which is scheduled to be released on Fuzz Club on October 18th, 2024, is Summer Breeze, a melodic combination of post punk and shoegaze sounds. The band takes a more straightforward approach to the overall sound in this one, and the outcome is noticeable.

Co-produced by Theo Verney (English Teacher, TRAAMS, Egyptian Blue), the new single stands out. Black Doldrums’ frontman and guitarist Kevin Gibbard says: “This song could easily be called 'second chance'. It’s not really about summer but summer breeze is used as a metaphor for a period when given a second chance and a sense of optimism is felt after meeting Sophie. A breath of fresh air."

In Limerence, the album's title, describes an atmosphere of perpetual desire, which is not surprising given its exploration of themes of regret, isolation, confusion, and devotion.

"There is a constant theme of trying to find happiness in a confusing modern world. In a time of protest, this album is itself a protest by expressing how to feel in such a world."

Black Doldrums

Fuzz Club


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