High Wire by KAPUT

Darkenin Heart

Kaput is a new no wave/noise rock project from Chicago, formed by producer and engineer Brian Fox (Electrical Audio) and Nadia Garofalo (Ganser, Heavy Feelings). The duo bonded over their shared love for unique songwriting, synth-based music, and poetry, and began collaborating in early 2023, following Garofalo's departure from Ganser in late 2022. Fox reached out to her with some song ideas and they started co-writing from there, with their creative process focusing on experimentation.

The new song, High Wire, has a beat-driven sound and is marked by chant-like vocals, leading to a distinct intensity. The track explores the darker aspects of fandom and the pursuit of fame, challenging the limits of entertainment and what that reveals about the audience.

Nadia Garofalo explains: “I was thinking about a Kim Gordon quote when writing lyrics to this song ‘People pay money to see others believe in themselves.’ and then I thought about the tightrope walkers who walk without nets because it’s more entertaining that way.”

Kaput are set to release their self-titled debut album in early 2025.

Cover photo by Kirsten Miccoli

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