Frozen by Creux Lies

Darkenin Heart

After a two-year hiatus, Sacramento-based band Creux Lies returns with their new single, Frozen. It's an exciting track that encapsulates the band's signature dark sound while involving production techniques inspired by their favorite eighties hip-hop influences, featuring an abundance of lush analog synths.

The band explains: "In our quest for authenticity, we have been writing tirelessly, experimenting with different styles and sounds to find the perfect blend that resonates with our vision. The addition of our new synth player, Jon Mak, has been transformative for our creative process. His innovative approach and mastery of synth textures and instrument talents have aided in exploring new dimensions in our sound, bringing a fresh-fierce energy and vibrant complexity to our work."

Creux Lies has consistently embraced a wide range of sonic inspirations, and Frozen emerges as a powerful testament to their evolution as a band. The song blends brooding, atmospheric melodies with irresistible rhythms, creating a sound that invites introspection. Moody vocals interlace with textured synth layers, while the nods to eighties hip-hop production add a dynamic and unexpected dimension that distinguishes Frozen as a standout track in their path so far.

Creux Lies
Band photography by Justin Sotelo

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