HEARTS OF 2024: Post Punk, Shoegaze & Dreampop

Darkenin Heart

Yet another time, Darkenin Heart has put together its yearly playlist, picking songs that had a big influence on us all year long. We have adapted our annual playlist to include the songs we wish to keep with us as an archive of 2024, rather than offering an extensive list.

A variety of songs from the genres we cover the most are featured on HEARTS OF 2024. The playlist offers an assortment of 200 songs by expanding its reach to include similar musical tastes and styles.

There is an additional playlist on YouTube featuring the videos that we enjoyed throughout the year.

As we transition into the new year, HEARTS OF 2025 is already taking shape, featuring tracks from upcoming releases. Steadily, it will be filled with the songs we listen and cover on Darkenin Heart.


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