Climbing Dues by Osnova

Darkenin Heart

Osnova’s latest release, Climbing Dues, via DUNE ALTAR, is a stirring exploration of societal expectations and the cyclical nature of generational struggles. The track focuses on the rising costs of navigating a system set on constant value extraction.

At the heart of the song lies Caroline McLaughlin’s emotive vocals, soaring above the band’s lush instrumentation. The LA-based group masterfully balances intensity with a beautiful atmosphere in their latest work.

Caroline McLaughlin comments on the song: "Climbing Dues touches on the rising costs of participating in a society that wants to take what it finds most valuable from you. Each generation goes through a similar cycle as we all scramble to achieve what is perceived as 'success' until we are ultimately deemed no longer valuable by society's standards and the cycle starts again with a younger generation."



Cover photography by McKenna Mobley

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