Devil Opens The Door by Robert Ascroft & Kid Congo Powers

Darkenin Heart

Devil Opens the Door is the latest single from Robert Ascroft’s highly anticipated album Echo Still Remains, set to release on February 14th, 2025 via Hand Drawn Dracula. Following recent collaborations with Ruth Radelet of Chromatics and Britta Phillips of Luna, Ascroft teams up with Kid Congo Powers for this gritty new track. Celebrated in the underground music realm for his iconic work with The Cramps, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, and The Gun Club, as well as his acclaimed solo material, Kid Congo Powers brings an unmistakable edge to the song.

The track erupts with unrelenting grit, as Ascroft’s atmospheric guitar and a primal drumbeat lay a captivating foundation for Kid Congo Powers’ commanding vocals to take center stage.
Robert Ascroft

Hand Drawn Dracula


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