Horrors by Cats Of Transnistria

Darkenin Heart

Cats of Transnistria return with their fourth album, and first in nearly six years. The duo of Tuomas Alatalo and Henna E. Hietamäki will release IV via Soliti Recordings on March 21st, 2025.

“We are very excited and proud to finally release new music,” says Henna. “We were hibernating for a while, and after the pause it's been very inspiring and fun to create something different together. The songs still sound distinctly like Cats of Transnistria, but the beats and the fuller production make a big difference to our previous albums. You can almost dance to some of the songs, although very, very slowly.”

“Not having to think about how to be able to do these live while writing music gives a lot of freedom. Having beats and all kinds of synth and bass tracks made the whole process very different compared to previous Cats albums. And it feels that we have taken our thing (and dramatism) to a new level. It definitely still sounds like Cats of Transnistria. Basically we're just digging deeper,” Tuomas describes.

Horrors is the first single from the album, an atmospheric and immersive song that shows the duo's cinematic style based on dreampop and shoegaze sounds.

Tuomas says: “Moodwise "Horrors" draws inspiration from The Terminator 2: Judgement Day Theme. A mechanical beat pulses slowly under lush and ethereal layers of guitars and synthesizers.”

Henna adds: “While writing the lyrics I was thinking about the growing effects of the climate catastrophe, the global rise of fascism, the walls protecting inequality and the unknown future of the new generation.”

Horrors is accompanied by a video filmed by Janne Immonen and edited by Henna E. Hietamäki.

Cats Of Transnistria



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