Sucker by KAPUT

Darkenin Heart

Chicago's KAPUT continues to carve out a bold and innovative niche in the post punk and noise rock scenes with their latest single, Sucker. The new song unravels a chronicle of frustration and defiance against the mounting pressures of external expectations, and it is relentless, much like the ever-moving goalposts it critiques.

The production behind Sucker speaks volumes about the creative tension brought to the table by key collaborators. Helmed by renowned producer and engineer Brian Fox (Electrical Audio), together with Nadia Garofalo (known for her work with Heavy Feelings and Ganser), and M. Sord (Jon Spencer and the Hitmakers) laying down the drums, the new track sounds intense.

KAPUT's songwriting is a compelling blend of experimentation and amazing lyricism. The fresh project is proving itself to be an exciting voice in underground indie rock with each new release, paving the way for their album which is coming in 2025.

Cover photography by Kirsten Miccoli

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