Anhedonia by Korine

Darkenin Heart

Philadelphia-based dark pop duo Korine, composed of Morgy Ramone and Trey Frye, make a return with their latest single, Anhedonia. This track serves as a preview of their upcoming album, A Flame In The Dark, set to release on March 28th, 2025, via Born Losers Records. True to their roots, Korine masterfully brings together new wave and dreampop influences to craft a sound that is purely nostalgic.

Anhedonia stands out as a melancholic post punk piece, swirling with an atmosphere of despair and introspection. It dives deep into the woes of the modern world, channeling raw emotion through haunting melodies and evocative lyrics. The production shines brightly, with lush synth layers and beats forming the foundation for their sound.

The album, A Flame In The Dark, promises to further showcase Korine's signature blend of moody aesthetics and expressive artistry.


Born Losers Records


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