All That Was by Stray Fossa

Darkenin Heart

Released August 10, 2021 by Stray Fossa.

Photo by the band.

| Stray Fossa on Spotify

Indie rock/dreampop trio Stray Fossa release a four-song EP of B-sided and live takes from their recent debut album With You For Ever. Filled with melodious synths and harmonies, All That Was is the dreamy opening track, inspired by a teacher who questions everything.

The band explain: "Maybe it was the endless back-and-forth over whether or not to use DI verses live guitar. Or the frustration of fitting harmonies over imperfect vocal takes. For whatever reason, we ultimately dropped this project, only to rediscover it almost a year later. The tune was inspired by late night chats with an old friend and educator from Belize, who often questions the meaning and purpose of everything. It's definitely one of our more whimsical tracks, but we're glad to have found it again."

With You For Ever B-Sides & Live is out now, a companion to Stray Fossa's first album out since April 2021.

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