God (Let You Lose) by Clwb Fuzz

Darkenin Heart

Clwb Fuzz are part of the emergent music scene in Cardiff, UK. The band's new single God (Let You Lose) is an intense track, politically charged, and a merger of dark post punk and shoegaze elements.

“This song was written back in 2018 before the band had even started,” explains guitarist and vocalist Joe Woodward. “It was written at a time where corruption seemed to be everywhere in politics, money was the only objective and only the rich were cared for. The song or lyrics haven’t changed since and neither has the situation in the world. If anything, things have just got worse, making it more relevant than ever.”

Clwb Fuzz are Joe Woodward (guitar and vocals), Emily Kocan (bass and vocals), Hayden Lewis (guitar), Gruff Roberts (drums) and Cam Wheeler (synth and percussion).

Clwb Fuzz
Filming and editing by Daniel Blake.

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