Soft/Softer by Day & Dream

Darkenin Heart

Dreampop band, Day & Dream unveil the new album The Art Of Remembering, published on February 11th, 2022 though the Philippines label Lilystars Records.

Soft/Softer, the album's dreamlike closing track, is a lighthearted and colorful song based on the concept of living life in a small mountain town, given through a soft and sweet mixture of surf rock and shoegaze/dreampop sounds.

Day & Dream explain further that the song is "about living in such a small mountain town in North Carolina after having lived in SF, LA, NYC. Abby often jokes with Peter that living in Brooklyn with him made her tough, but living in the South so long has made them soft. Also, about how little artistic towns like Asheville have since been inundated with people from big cities who have moved here, hence the line “Don’t let this place turn into what you hate” and the cycle of gentrification"

Day & Dream
Cover art by "Taki" aka Bruno Baraldi

Lilystars Records

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