The Frozen Ground by Plague Pits

Darkenin Heart

Dealing with humanity's inability to handle the world's severe climatic issues, Bern, Switzerland-based collective Plague Pits deliver their dynamic post punk sound in the form of the new EP TRANSNECROPOLITAN, having followed the positive reception of their recent digital EPs/cassingles earlier in 2022.

The band's songcraft shifts toward a more minimal wave style, with lyrics that concentrate on society's wrongdoings against nature and mankind's lack of empathy for one another.

“When the smoke has cleared, all the stops on this journey will turn out to be dead cities, destroyed by war, climate catastrophy, and plague. All that surrounds us are the picturesque ruins of the near future."

The Frozen Ground is an electronic-based post punk song with a cold tone and character, part of the band's new EP.

Plague Pits

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