Nothing by Dead Patrons

Darkenin Heart

Dead Patrons are a noise rock band from South London, and Nothing is their heavy and savage new single, coming after their recent debut Lover.

The song was composed during times of lockdown, and despite its dynamic energy and sound, it's about feeling insignificant and powerless, a common sentiment for most people.

The video which pairs to the song was directed by Tom Brewins in a film noir/B-movie horror aesthetic. It's on the introspection that comes with being an outsider. The clip is brutal just like the music, and contains graphic content that should not be viewed by the fainthearted.

The cynical lyrics are growled by lead singer Paul Killengray against a background of beating guitars by Ross Davies and unyielding bass by Rob Good. The song builds tension with Terry Edwards' (Gallon Drunk / Pj Harvey / Bad Seeds) horns and shrieking sax, which come together in an exquisite manner, in an beautiful instrumental mayhem.

Dead Patrons
Cover artwork by Marina Antonova
Video directed by Tom Brewins

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