Audible Impact by High Marks

Darkenin Heart

High Marks is a solo post punk act based in Forest Grove, Oregon. Rake Me Over The Coals Tonight is the upcoming album of the project, out on January 27th, 2023 via Propitious Artifacts. The new full length is one of the briefest High Marks albums but its variety also makes it one of the most approachable.

The album's first example, Audible Impact, is a demanding track that outlines High Marks' experimental tendencies while also sounding especially interesting and distinctive.

The upcoming album was developed over the course of several sessions at different studios, with the bulk of the recording taking place close to High Marks' new residence in a rural area of Oregon. High Marks worked on this project with frequent collaborators David Mansfield (Stranded), SIMNs (downers), and more recent ones Travis Kuhlman (Yellow Bulb, DUG), and Reila (Obsidian PrintCo).

Rake Me Over The Coals Tonight was named after the artist's habit of staying up all night criticizing himself. With the new album High Marks shows a different route to his usual sound with songs that sound more minimalistic and tackle unrelenting concepts like police violence and individual responsibility to one's feelings with similar fervor.

High Marks

Propitious Artifacts


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