Pleasure by Möney

Darkenin Heart

Möney are a do-it-yourself band from Bristol, UK, that records all of their music themselves, and creates as much of their artwork as possible. They create a profile of the sound they like with each EP they release, and they are staunch opponents of music standardization. At the same time, the band is completely conscious of its influences.

Pleasure is a new song is from their third EP. Möney is a band that is constantly in flux. Their first EP, in rat we trust, was more rock 'n' roll focused. billing wells, of which the new single is a part, and thei previous EP, apathy a silent crime, are more centered on a post punk angle.

The song has a shoegaze and darkwave bent, as well as ideas from eighties bands like The Cure and The Smiths, as well as newer post punk groups like Molchat Doma.

billing wells is Möney's first EP to feature a synthesizer as an instrument. Its lyrics attempt to depict the decay of Western ideology through its constant pursuit of pleasure, and the use of reverb and chorus aims to establish an illusionary atmosphere reminiscent of the world we live in at this point. It's an upbeat song with a dark undertone.


Chicken Attack Records

Cover artwork & photography by Möney and LaSseni

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