Azargun by Dead Patrons

Darkenin Heart

London noise rock band Dead Patrons unveil the entirety of I, their new EP which exemplifies their imposing, yet, easy to grasp take on noise rock. Azargun is the latest standout single from the EP, and the full release's closing number.

"Azargun; a girls name and it means the colour of fire; the hottest part of the flame is the base, so this typically burns with a different colour to the outer edges or the rest of the flame body."

It is worthwhile to stick with Azargun for the entire length as it is a builder with a substantial conclusion and a very intriguing structure.

Covid came close to finishing Dead Patrons before the project even begun, but the group managed to overcome the challenges and produced a noteworthy new release.

Dead Patrons
Art by Marina Antonova

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