Sunflowers by Library Card

Darkenin Heart

Rotterdam's Library Card come back with another single, following Mirror Factory from 2022. Once more, the group has an engaging narrative to lay out in their lyrics and provide a pointed performance, encircled in post punk intensity.

"Sunflowers is a love letter to letting go," the band says. "We keep rushing through life, trying our very best to keep up with everything and everyone, feeding into our conditioned ambition and internalised capitalism, but because we try to do everything all at once, nothing really gets done anyway. It is about accepting our fate, existing in a sea of chaos but deciding to just go with it and see what happens along the way. Nothing is in our control, nothing will happen the way you intend it to happen, nothing is set in stone. It’s okay. It is what it is."

Library Card

Katzwijm Records

Band photo by AWIRO // Jade Sastropawiro
Video by Kat Kalkman
Illustrations by Lot van Teylingen

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