Shock Pop Vol. I, is the first in a planned series of delights coming from avant garde act Chopper. The release is filled with imagination and enthusiasm and features elements of industrial acts like Ministry and Skinny Puppy, set in an unquestionably strange setting of early 2000s pop music, seventies disco and glam rock, and nineties eurodance and techno.
Chopper's upcoming mini-album features Sugar and Spice as its second single. It's the most noteworthy and most tenaciously extravagant piece from the projects to this point, developing into a frantic and surreal path through multiple emotions.
This song features Glitchi on vocals, and the way her voice combines with Chopper's tough vocalization further contributes to the song's complexity and emotional mixed emotions. Sugar and Spice provides entertaining musical action full of unanticipated twists and turns.
Pink Cotton Candy Records
Cover artwork by Chopper & Amalie MajVideo by Chopper & Gang