Together in Hell by Asbest, Lord Kesseli and the Drums

Darkenin Heart

Asbest and Lord Kesseli & the Drums, two Swiss bands from different genres of music, have collaborated on a new project called ALTARI. Their debut release, Together in Hell, is a result of this union and is set to be released in the spring of 2023 under the record labels A Tree In A Field Records and Irascible Records.

The fusion of noise rock and dreampop in this union has resulted in a unique sound that diverges from the styles of both genres. The track takes a new direction towards an industrial/avant-garde sound, showcasing the innovative approach of the artists.

Together in Hell serves as an angry condemnation of opposition and greed, with the chorus offering a softer touch, suggesting that we are all united, whether it be in happiness or suffering. The lyrics seem to imply a message of forgiveness and togetherness, despite the harsh realities of life.

Lord Kesseli and the Drums

A Tree In A Field Records
Irascible Music


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