Not My Leader by Modern English

Darkenin Heart

Modern English has revealed details about their upcoming album, 1 2 3 4, scheduled for release on February 23rd, 2024. Additionally, they have released their latest single, Not My Leader, which is a nice post punk track and at the same time a vehement critique of contemporary politics in both the United States and the United Kingdom.

Vocalist Robbie Grey comments: "I remember first coming to America in the early ’80s. We had Margaret Thatcher and you had Ronald Reagan. And then fast forward to today to Donald Trump and all the politicians and corporate organizations that have followed — along with their corruption and greed. It’s the same thing 40 years later, really. It’s the same old shit that makes the ordinary person feel sick. ‘Not My Leader’ is a song against those people."

Modern English
Band photography by Sheva Kafai

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