Baja by Tan Cologne

Darkenin Heart

Tan Cologne, composed of musicians Lauren Green and Marissa Macias, are best in Northern New Mexico, and draw inspiration from earthly and celestial terrains to create their sonic and palpable artistry. The duo has come up with a notable body of work so far.

Regarding their latest single release, the duo reflects: "Baja was recorded partially at a music residency in Baja, Mexico (El Ganzo Records) and in Taos, New Mexico. A chill, breezy song intended for relaxing and envisioning beach to desert landscapes. We renamed this song 4 times but we decided to go with Baja to honor the landscape there. Premonitions of a dome of light under Earth and landforms melting into dust."

Baja is a mesmerizing atmospheric piece which elegantly portrays scenic landscapes through its instrumental nuances and minimalist lyrics.

Tan Cologne

Labrador Records


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