Judith Slaying Holofernes by Oldest Sea (Feat. Have A Nice Life)

Darkenin Heart

Judith Slaying Holofernes by dark act Oldest Sea is a two-song collaboration with Dan Barrett of Have A Nice Life. Completely DIY and independent of any labels, the release highlights the pure creative synergy between the artists.

The record features two contrasting tracks. On side A, All Shall Love Me and Despair is a haunting throwback to early Oldest Sea, rooted in the ethereal tones of dark folk. Side B features How Could The Same God, a heavier, more visceral track that reflects the band’s current full-band sound and intensity.

Both songs delve deep into sentimentality, darkness, and genuine emotion. They explore themes of feminine rage and grief, presenting an authentic, heartfelt expression of vulnerability and power.

Oldest Sea

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